,Note: your system and browser should support support webBLE
Open the url
after you open the above url , you first click 'Scan J10 Hearing Aid' ,then it will popup lists of BLE devices. ,try to find the J10 Hearing Aid ,,and click 'Pair' , the web page will query BLE information ,and Display in the web page , the 'Scan J10 Hearing Aid' Button change to 'Connected ' ,and finally 'Read OK'.
Quick Experience with the web fitting
1.I changed the volume to 0 db ,and then to -20 db , and click 'Save Mode Config' , you can hear the difference
2. Change in WDRC Tab, i.e change Expansion Rate of Band 0 to 0.3 ,then to 0.7 ,you can hear the noise difference ,because 0.3 will decrease the audio under expansion knee point very deeply , so u can hear less noise
3. in 'Cailbration and Others' , you can test pure tone for 1000Hz (and any Frequency)
4. Fitting is king ,pls see below fitting parameters for sample RIC hearing aid ,conducted by our audiologist.